The Case of "Fluffy" the Cat

Greater Homeopathic Understanding - A Short Tutorial

To help you better understand the concepts of homeopathic therapy, we have created a short section that takes you through a quiz to get you ready, a simple, sample case workup for your fun and education and to let you see the process in action. Finally, a "final exam" to help you solidify the concepts we covered.

If you take the time to go through this, 10-20 minutes , it should save you a lot of time during the consultation and follow-ups since you will understand more of what we do and that means less time we have to spend explaining.

We have also created an interactive version of our Homeopathic Primer. This version is enhanced with links, glossary and extra explanations. It will take you longer to read but your depth of understanding will benefit.

We use little pop up windows (or tool tips) to give definitions or historical perspective, so, when you see a link in blue like this - you can click it and an explanation box should pop-up.



